The AudioNotch Tinnitus Treatment Blog

Dance Music and Tinnitus

Written by AudioNotch Team on July 10, 2012

Categories: Hearing Tinnitus

Here is a link to a great article on Dance Music and the risk of loud noise exposure causing tinnitus. Worth a read – send it to your concertgoing and clubgoing friends!

A club soundystem – assuming you’ve got a halfway decent one on your hands – operates well in excess of 100dB(A) (a nearby pneumatic drill clocks in at around 110). Protracted exposure to these high volumes causes damage to the tiny hairs in the inner ear that convert vibrations in the air into auditory signals; once these hairs are damaged they can’t be replaced, and there’s no known cure for tinnitus or hearing loss of this kind.

A friend of mine is a DJ and sent this link my way. DJ’s are at enormous risk for developing tinnitus because of the extreme exposure to loud noise that their job entails. If you’re a DJ, consider the usage of hearing protection.
