The AudioNotch Tinnitus Treatment Blog

Should I listen to Notched Sound Therapy in both ears if I have tinnitus in one ear?

Written by AudioNotch Team on July 31, 2015

Categories: Uncategorized

Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.


A lot of people who have unilateral tinnitus (tinnitus in only one ear) write to ask me if they should listen to AudioNotch in both ears, given that only one ear is affected.

The answer? Interestingly, you should listen in both ears even if your tinnitus is only in one ear.

It’s a counterintuitive answer.

The reason is because the experiments the therapy is based on treated people in both ears, even if they had unilateral tinnitus (tinnitus in one ear). This approach may have been effective because tinnitus is a phenomenon that occurs in the auditory cortex in the brain, and both ears feed input into the auditory cortex. The neurons that spontaneously fire in this region, thereby producing the tinnitus tone, may still be influenced by input from the contralateral ear.