The AudioNotch Tinnitus Treatment Blog
AudioNotch is a Treatment, Not a Cure
Written by AudioNotch Team on May 25, 2012
Categories: Tinnitus
If you look around our web site and read our in-depth F.A.Q., you’ll notice that we’re very careful not to market ourselves as a tinnitus cure. Be extremely skeptical of anyone marketing themselves as such, since the threshold of evidence that one needs to meet in order to describe something as a cure is very high. As of yet, there is no cure for tinnitus – in most cases, it is caused by an extremely complex reorganization of neurons within the brain, and reversing this reorganization safely and selectively is no easy task.
AudioNotch, when used correctly, should lower the volume of your tinnitus, but will not remove it completely. That said, there are two things to keep in mind:
- A quiet tinnitus is much better than a loud tinnitus. If your tinnitus volume drops significantly, you’ll likely experience an improvement in your quality of life.
- The volume reduction with white noise can be very large, exceeding 75% in volume. Notched White Noise has been shown to provide a superior reduction in volume compared to Notched Music (although not in direct head to head trials, only when independent experimental results are compared).
The best analogy that I can think of for AudioNotch is drawing a parallel to chronic pain. If you suffered from chronic pain, would a reduction in your day-to-day pain be of value to you? And if the reduction was significant – would your day to day life improve?