The AudioNotch Tinnitus Treatment Blog
Should I listen to Notched Sound Therapy in both ears if I have tinnitus in one ear?
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
A lot of people who have unilateral tinnitus (tinnitus in only one ear) write to ask me if they should listen to AudioNotch in both ears, given that only one ear is affected.
The answer? Interestingly, you should listen in both ears even if your tinnitus is only in one ear.
It’s a counterintuitive answer.
The reason is because the experiments the therapy is based on treated people in both ears, even if they had unilateral tinnitus (tinnitus … Continue Reading
Tinnitus finally went away
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
For how many people does tinnitus finally just go away?
The scientific literature hints at the possibility:
Spontaneous remission by natural habituation is experienced by more than three-quarters of sufferers. Habituation occurs within the CNS, whereas adaptation involves a peripheral sensory organ.
However, habituation is not the same thing as tinnitus “going away.” So really, after searching the papers on the subject, I discovered that nobody seems to have studied the actual prevalence of … Continue Reading
What is a 4khz notch?
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
A notch is a segment of audio that is “cut out” of a sample of audio.
To understand what this looks like, check out the image below:
A 4 kHz notch is just a piece of sound energy that has been “notched out” at that specific frequency.
To learn more about the notching process, check … Continue Reading
Multi Tonal Tinnitus
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
As far as I know, there are no effective treatments for multiple tinnitus tones. Almost all the research that has been conducted has been on people who only have a single tinnitus tone. However, in theory, AudioNotch might work with people who have multiple tinnitus tones. In theory, if the tones were far enough apart, you could create two separate notches for two separate tones, for example. Instructions on how to do that are … Continue Reading
Tinnitus Mask
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
Best sounds to mask tinnitus?
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
Are you interested in masking your tinnitus? Check out our free masker here!
These sounds can be played through the player on the web page, or alternatively, they can be downloaded and saved.
Free Acoustic Coordinated Modulation Reset Therapy
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
I’m not sure I’m sold on the actual efficacy of this, but here’s a description:
One recent development in this area is a therapy called Acoustic Coordinated RESET (CR) Neuromodulation, from the German company ANM. This therapy specifically targets a mechanism of tinnitus which ids thought to involve abnormal levels of synchronous activity in the hearing brain, where large populations of nerve cells repeatedly and spontaneously fire at the same time. The therapy is … Continue Reading
Tinnitus Promising Treatment
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
Tinnitus is the medical name of the mysterious noise millions of people have suffered from for years. Some of the different sounds people hear from clicking to ringing can be contributed to other medical conditions. The diagnosis tinnitus is used when there are no other logical reasons for the noise.
Medical conditions that may cause tinnitus can include spine, neck, head and facial injuries. Other contributing factors may be working or living in a … Continue Reading
Audio Notch Filter
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
What is the AudioNotch filter? Check out the infographic below for an explanation!
What are the most common tinnitus frequencies?
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
I’ve been reading the literature on tinnitus for several years, and I have yet to come across a paper that provided data on what the distribution of tinnitus frequencies was among people who have tinnitus. Obviously there’s not a lot of money available to ask a question like this (since there’s no drug or treatment available). So I spoke to our CTO, Adrian Green, and we decided to mine the AudioNotch tinnitus treatment … Continue Reading