The AudioNotch Tinnitus Treatment Blog
Tinnitus Developments
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
Tinnitus is a hearing condition that is often referred to as a “ringing in the ears.” Though the condition is thought to affect about 15% of the general population, only a very small percentage of people suffer from serious tinnitus. For those unlucky people who experience ongoing tinnitus symptoms, however, the condition can be very debilitating and lead to depression, irritability, frustration and fatigue.
Obviously, living with an ongoing static sound reverberating inside one’s … Continue Reading
Tinnitus Developments
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
The Newest Tinnitus Developments from Researchers
Many individuals live with chronic tinnitus that causes the perception of strange noises inside the ears. Because very little is known about ringing in the ears, researchers are constantly trying to determine the cause along with effective treatments or cures. Remaining knowledgeable about tinnitus developments can lead to finding a remedy for the chronic ringing, pounding or clanging sounds that many people experience on a daily basis. Researchers … Continue Reading
Can tinnitus suddenly go away?
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
If there is a ringing noise in your ear, do not ignore it. This noise could lead to the common medical condition known as Tinnitus. This problem has the ability to affect anyone, even though it is more commonly diagnosed in elderly individuals. Tinnitus could lead to hearing loss, which is why you should seek treatment immediately once you have been diagnosed with the condition.
Can Tinnitus Suddenly Go Away?
This is definitely a question … Continue Reading
Music To Block Out Tinnitus
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
More than 36 million people in the United States suffer from tinnitus that is characterized by hearing sounds within one or both ears. The sound might occur occasionally, intermittently or continually. The noise heard ranges in tensity from one individual to the next. The tone heard also differs from buzzing, hissing or whooshing to ringing or whistling. The sound may represent a general annoyance or can become maddening.
Therapeutic Breakthrough
Some try drowning out the … Continue Reading
Free sound therapies
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
There are free sound therapies that are available to treat your tinnitus.
Tinnitus curable?
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
Is tinnitus curable?
While there are many purported treatments for tinnitus, a treatment is NOT the same thing as a cure. The current literature shows that no specific treatment is effective enough to be classified as a cure – and frankly, any time you see a tinnitus treatment marketing itself in such a manner, you need to watch out – it’s highly likely that you’re dealing with a scam of some sort.
The term “cure” is a … Continue Reading
Mutebutton Tinnitus
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
Tinnitus is a hearing affliction that affects millions of individuals. It manifests as a constant ringing, buzzing, or humming sound in the ear not associated with any external sound. It is an annoyance, but also a hindrance; many sufferers eventually have to succumb to hearing aids to compensate for the nonstop droning. Tinnitus is usually caused by a loud noise or continued exposure to relatively loud noises. Traditional treatment has been a surgical … Continue Reading
Tinnitus Cure Remedy Remission New
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
What does the scientific literature have to say about whether or not there is a tinnitus cure?
By the term cure, the definition, to the layman, is obvious: a reliable method of completely ending the problem at hand.
Unfortunately, such a thing doesn’t exist. There are treatments that may or may not help a subset of patients suffering from tinnitus, but they’re certainly not cures.
Watch out for people claiming a cure for tinnitus – they’re selling snake oil.
mp3 white noise frequency response
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
What kind of response can you get to our therapy using Notched White Noise therapy in the MP3 format?
It’s a question we get a lot of the time, and I’ve taken the liberty of collected our own internal data here so people can take a look at what kind of tinnitus volume lowering response they can expect with AudioNotch:
averiguar frecuencia tinnitus
¿Cuál es la frecuencia de tinnitus más común que la gente tiene ? La mayoría de la gente tiene una frecuencia de tinnitus único que coincide con el patrón de pérdida auditiva de alguna manera. Sin embargo, nadie , hasta el momento, ha trazado lo que la distribución de frecuencias de tinnitus es en la población.
Actualmente estamos en el proceso de minería de nuestros propios datos para determinar cuáles son las frecuencias de tinnitus más comunes son .
Vuelve aquí en el futuro para ver el resultado !