The AudioNotch Tinnitus Treatment Blog
Notched Sound Therapy – How Strong is the Evidence, Really?
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
For the average person with tinnitus, making sense of the scientific literature on treatments is a difficult task. Without having a background in statistics or the critical appraisal of scientific papers, it’s easy to be persuaded by the efficacy of a multitude of treatments. Navigating this space is made even more difficult by the fact that the internet is flooded with misinformation and marketing copy on treatments that are demonstrably useless.
The tinnitus sound therapy … Continue Reading
Homeopathy is not effective for treating any condition, study finds
Please note: the following information does not constitute professional medical advice, and is provided for general informational purposes only. Please speak to your doctor if you have tinnitus.
Highly relevant for those of us who have been duped by homeopathic “treatments” for tinnitus.
Reminder: homeopathy is just diluted water + magical thinking.
Article here:
Homeopathy is not effective for treating any health condition, Australia’s top body for medical research has concluded, after undertaking an extensive review of existing studies.
Homeopaths believe that illness-causing substances can, in minute doses, treat people who are unwell.
By diluting these substances in … Continue Reading
William Shatner on depression
William Shatner is one of the more well known celebrities that suffers from tinnitus. He’s also a good case study on how to overcome the depression associated with tinnitus and to combat the psychological distress it can cause you.
Shatner first got his tinnitus when he was exposed to a loud explosion on the set of Star Trek. This, presumably, caused some high frequency hearing loss, which in turn triggered his tinnitus. After getting tinnitus, he suffered from terrible mood issues, and had difficulty sleeping. Eventually, however, it seems that he was able to habituate to the sound and adapt to … Continue Reading
AM101 Tinnitus
A lot of people are interested in the AM-101 medication for tinnitus. Here’s a roundup of some of the posts I’ve written on it:
Normal Audiogram Tinnitus
I’ve written about this previously here, but I decided to reproduce the article below since it’s coming up so frequently:
The development of tinnitus has a strong association with hearing loss. The association is so strong that many researchers believe that hearing loss is the most common cause of tinnitus – the evidence is very strong on this point.
However, some individuals have “normal” audiograms that have no detectable hearing loss on them, yet they still have tinnitus. These individuals typically also do not have any identifiable cause for their tinnitus.
It’s a puzzle, particularly given that most of the models we have to … Continue Reading
Personalized Masking CD for Tinnitus
In order to create a personalized masking CD for Tinnitus, simply check out our masking sounds here. They can be downloaded and you can burn them manually onto a CD.
However, if you want to actually lower the volume of your tinnitus, I suggest trying out Notched Sound Therapy, which can actually lower the volume of your tinnitus, instead of just making it.
Take care!
New Research on Notched Music, Part 2
An interesting paper, also out of the original German research group headed by Dr. Christo Pantev, experimented with an interesting question: could the efficacy of Notched Music Therapy be increased by combining it with the direct application of transcranial current? Unfortunately, the study did not find that adding a component of transcranial current to the auditory therapy increased its efficacy.
A similar model of combining specific auditory stimulation with direct brain stimulation is being trialed with Vagal Nerve Therapy, which involves implanting a transponder onto the vagal nerve, and is obviously much more invasive.
New Research on Notched Music, Part 1
Another small study from the original German group that discovered Notched Sound Therapy has validated its efficacy. The sample size was small, but they did replicate the previous therapeutic treatment effects. It was similar in design to previous studies, but it’s still heartening to see that the efficacy was successfully replicated in another set of test subjects. A link to the paper is here, and I posted the abstract below:
Background. The generation and maintenance of tinnitus are assumed to be based on maladaptive functional cortical reorganization. Listening to modified music, which contains no energy in the range … Continue Reading
Acoustic Co-ordinated Reset
Tinnitus is a phantom auditory sensation which may be a transient or chronic condition. There are a number of factors that CAN cause tinnitus, but excessive exposure to noise and aging are the two most common. There are various theories concerning the biological processes that produce the sound that only the person with tinnitus can hear. One of the most accepted says that a large number of nerve cells in the hearing brain fire spontaneously, repeatedly and all at once. Various methods of treatment have been tested, but one that has proven effective in many cases is the Acoustic Coordinated … Continue Reading
Acetylcysteine and Tinnitus
Tinnitus refers to the condition characterized by sounds heard in the ears that develop secondary to structural alterations. The noise varies from buzzing or ringing to chirping or thumping. The intensity also varies. The sounds may be continuous or intermittent based on possible pressure changes within the ear. Some find the noise an inconvenience while others consider the sounds deafening. For persons seeking relief, studies indicate that there is a correlation between the amino acid acetylcysteine and tinnitus.
Tinnitus Causes
When exposed to high noise levels, the delicate structures within the ear undergo stress. As a result, blood flow decreases and the … Continue Reading